100 |
Continue. Request initiated and not rejected. The client can continue.
101 |
Switching Protocols. The server reports having received a request to change protocol and it is accepted.
102 |
In processing. Makes clear that the server is active and not inaccessible.(WebDav Extension).
Request processed |
200 |
Request completed successfully.The page is found and displayed.
201 |
Created.Establishing a link between the client and the server in the form of URI on a newly created resource.
202 |
Accepted.The request is received and accepted but not yet processed..
203 |
Non-Authoritative information.The server
response provides information that does not certify it. It could come
from a third-party source.
204 |
No content.No information to return from the server.
205 |
Reset content. Request processed, the client
must reset the source of the request.In the case of a form, it must be
cleared before another request.
206 |
Partial content.Only part of the content is
returned.(This may be due to limitation of resources). A Range header
must have been included by the user.
207 |
Multiple statements for the answer.(WebDav Extension).
210 |
Different contents between the server and the client.(WebDav Extension).
Redirections |
300 |
Multiple choice.The server has different answers, so it must return a list of resources with their location.
301 |
Moved permanently.To be used when a file is
renamed or moved, and a new URL must be provided.The old URL will be
ignored by robots.
302 |
Moved temporarily. A new URL is provided but robots return to the original URL.
303 |
See other location.This code is returned
when the resource can be retrieved atto another address and a GET method
must be used to obtain it. The client is redirected if the method is
304 |
Unmodified.The page has not changed since
the last request, and no content is returned.This assumes that the
server is configured to provide a If-modified-since header.
Essential for robots of search engines. |
305 |
Use a proxy.Response from the server asking to recover the document on a proxy server whose address is provided.
307 |
Temporary redirect.The request is redirected to another address as 302.
Client error or access denied |
400 |
Bad request.The server does not recognize the command syntax.
401 |
Unauthorized.Authentication required. Connections refused unless a valid password is furnished.
402 |
Payment required. Future use.
403 |
Forbidden.Access is prohibited or it is prohibited to a specified robot (for the server and not by robots.txt).
404 |
Not found.The page does not exist.This may be due to an incorrect spelling, different cases on Unix, or a change of address.
405 |
Method of request not allowed.
406 |
Not acceptable.The server can not provide the type of document requested.
407 |
Proxy authentication required.The connection
is refused because the client needs to connect only through a proxy
server that is indicated in the response.
408 |
Timeout. Expiration of time allocated to a request.
409 |
Conflict.The request contains a request that
conflicts with the state of the resource. The information on the causes
are provided with the error code. Occurs with the PUT method.
410 |
Gone.As 404 but means that the page not
found was there before. Google recommends its use rather than 404 when
the page is missing forever.
411 |
Length required.The server does not accept the request if the Content-Length is not specified.
412 |
Precondition not met.The request is accompanied by conditions that the server can not fulfill.
413 |
Volume asked too high.The server can not provide a document of this size.
414 |
Request-URI too long.The size of the URI
sent to the server exceeds the number of characters allowed. Occurs whan
a POST is converted to GET.
415 |
Unsupported media type.The client requests a document type that the server does not support.
416 |
Requested range not satisfiable. The request
specifies the Range (ex 200-10000) and the size of the resource is not
included in this range.
417 |
Expectation failed .The request contains a field Expect and the server can not meet it.The definition of this field is vague.
422 |
The request contains an entity that the server can not handle.(WebDav Extension).
423 |
Locked.The page is locked and will not be transmitted.(WebDav Extension).
424 |
Failure of the method used by the request.(WebDav Extension).
Server errors |
500 |
Internal Server Error.The request is not processed.
501 |
Not implemented.The server does not recognize the nature of the request, the method used, for example.
502 |
Bad gateway.When the server acts as a proxy or intermediary and that the other server not responding.
503 |
Service unavailable.Temporary problem due to overloading or other server problem including maintenance.
504 |
Gateway timeout. Waiting time from the other server exceeded, when the server asked plays the role of gateway.
505 |
HTTP Version not supported.The protocol used is too recent or not handled.
507 |
Space on the server insufficient to accomplish the client's request.(WebDav Extension).
509 |
Non-standard code but may be used by servers when exceeding quota.
Read the blog of SEO Expert & internet marketing professional in Delhi (India), Sonika Mishra where she shares her ideas and findings about Search Engine and Social Media.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
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